Two hoots and a hooray for owl release!

7 June 2023

It’s great news for two owls who have found a wonderful new home in the wild at a Curry’s Post farm in the KZN Midlands. A collaborative conservation effort has seen a Spotted Eagle Owl, born at Crocworld Conservation Centre on the KZN South Coast, united with another lone owl from FreeMe Wildlife and The Owl Box Project in the KZN Midlands. The pair, which are ideal candidates for wild release, have been taken to a private farm falling within the Curry’s Post Conservancy, with the chairman, Wendy Channing, overseeing the release. Commenting on the exciting development, Crocworld Conservation Centre’s Bird Curator, Ryne Ferguson, said: “Wendy has lots of experience working with owls and she knows exactly what they need while being kept in their temporary release enclosure for the next few weeks as they get used to the area. This farm has a very strict ‘no poisons’ policy and plenty wild food sources with ideal trees around for the pair to thrive.” The Spotted Eagle Owl from Crocworld hatched on 10 November 2022 to a pair of owls that cannot survive in the wild. The owlet was reared by its parents, and because there has been no human imprinting, it was eligible for release in the wild. Keep updated on the story by following Crocworld Conservation Centre and Owl Box Project on Facebook.