Crocworld partners with The Independent on Saturday to launch exciting live video feeds

28 July 2020

Crocworld Conservation Centre in Scottburgh on KwaZulu-Natal South Coast will continue its popular Facebook live sessions, with two special bonus videos in partnership with Independent on Saturday. These two live video feeds will feature on the ‘The Independent on Saturday’ Facebook page at 11am on Monday, 29 June and Wednesday, 1 July.

The Crocworld Conservation Centre’s essential services’ team has been coming to the centre to feed and care for all the animals since the start of lockdown. With the majority of the public restricted to their homes, the team decided to connect with regular visitors during this time by sharing what was happening at Crocworld via Facebook live videos and uploaded images.

“We saw a massive spike in our online audience, simply by featuring our many interesting Crocworld residents and sharing the feeding sessions online,” explained Martin Rodrigues, Manager of Crocworld Conservation Centre. “It’s going to be great to expand this and grow our online audience through the partnership with Independent on Saturday. We’re really grateful for this unique opportunity to educate and entertain Crocworld fans at home and abroad.”

Meet Henry the Nile Crocodile

(Monday, 29 June at 11am)

The first Facebook live session will give audiences a fascinating insight into the many reptilian residents located at the centre, focusing on the star of the show – Henry the Nile Crocodile. This 5-metre-long, 500-kilogramme croc has been living at the centre since 1985 and, this year December will be the beloved resident’s 120th birthday. Believed to be the oldest known Nile crocodile in captivity, Henry has fathered more than thousands of offspring with his six female co-habitants, and he thoroughly enjoys his 11am meal time. Audiences will be treated to some interesting facts about crocodiles, and the chance to witness this majestically ancient creature dining out.

Get to know the snake residents

(Wednesday, 1 July at 11am)

An often-misunderstood animal, snakes are an incredibly interesting and adaptable reptile that never fails to captivate an audience. Crocworld Conservation Centre is home to a number of both venomous and harmless snake species, including the deadly black mamba, green mamba, puff adder and snouted cobra. James Wittstock, the centre’s reptile curator, as well as Martin Rodrigues centre Manager will enlighten audiences about the various snake species housed at the centre, share some fun facts as well as give viewers the opportunity to see some of these animals up close.

Don’t miss out on any of this edutaining reptile action by tuning into the live Facebook video sessions on ‘The Independent on Saturday’ Facebook page!

For more information about Crocworld Conservation Centre, visit or check out the ‘Crocworld Conservation Centre’ Facebook page.