Crocworld bids fond farewell to beloved resident

24 March 2022

The iconic sound of the African fish eagle will no longer welcome visitors to Crocworld Conservation Centre after Isis, a cherished resident of the centre, died last weekend. Isis (35) was the second-oldest African fish eagle in captivity, worldwide, with one older found in Frankfurt, Germany aged 43. After being found on the roadside with a damaged wing back in 1987, Isis was taken to Crow (Centre for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife) for care, but was left unable to fly and could not be released into the wild. She found a home at Crocworld where she quickly became one of the centre’s most iconic characters and an ambassador for wildlife. For the past 34 years, visitors to the centre relished the chance to shout ‘hello Isis!’ which would be met with a goosebump-inducing response from the charismatic bird. Ryne Ferguson, Crocworld Conservation Centre Bird Curator, commented: “Isis touched so many lives, most of which we will never know. The number of visitors who would come to the centre, just to see Isis, was just incredible. She lived a very good life, and was able to live a full life for a bird in captivity. My hope is that her legacy will be a lasting impact on those who met her, encouraging them to protect the environment so that her species, and the many other animal species, have a future. Isis will be greatly missed by all she has touched, her carers, the centre staff and every visitor who has come to the centre. May she soar high and free calling to all that know her.” To find out more about the animals and conservation efforts of Crocworld Conservation Centre, visit or ‘Crocworld Conservation Centre’ on Facebook or call 039 976 1103.